
Mizimu Grove is a grove of baobab trees. The trees are wide-spaced, and are parted to create a wide path between them. At one end of the grove, there is a large, sloping rock.
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• Rafiki's Tree •

It is a large lake with many rocks dipped into the water from the sides. The clear waters are filled to the brim with fish that will eat the dirt away from any hippo standing in the water. A large upheaval of mountainous grass is attached to the side, with additional rocks placed on top.
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The water hole is the busiest of places, as many herds come and go constantly. There are a few smooth boulders suitable for sunning and shallow ponds for cubs to splash in. If you've an ear for gossip, this is the place for it.
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Chakula Plains

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Chakula Plains

The area is a vast open space filled with acacia trees, lush green grass and bountiful bushes. A clean dirt path leads the way from the nearby cliffs which overlook the plains.
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